
Melanie J Kirk
2 min readNov 1, 2019
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

“I’m telling you; kids don’t get scared the way they used to. The other day I was haunting a hotel room and the kid in there actually laughed at me so hard that I ended up in tears! Me! It’s supposed to be the other way around! I just don’t understand what went wrong. Is it the violent movies? The video games? Harry Potter? Kids just aren’t afraid of ghosts anymore.”

The ghost’s companion rolled his eyes. “Look,” he drawled, “I didn’t want to mention it before but I think I have to say something. Did you ever think it might have more to do with you than them?”

“What?” the ghost snapped.

“I’m just saying that if none of the kids are scared of you then it might be time to look in the mirror.”

“What exactly are you saying?”

“Don’t get me wrong — I think you look great! I’m simply saying if you want to instill mortal terror in little kids you might try losing the beehive wig and comedy nose glasses. I know you like to express yourself and I’m fully supportive of your right to do that, but your look doesn’t exactly scream ‘terrifying ghoul’.”

Thanks for reading! For some more ghoulish themed short fiction check out some of my other stories:



Melanie J Kirk

Fiction editor. House sitter. Short story/flash fiction writer. Vegan.